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We are Salem Lutheran Church...

                                   But what does that mean?


"Salem" is a Hebrew word meaning "Peace." We believe and strive for this space to be a place of peace - where welcome, grace, love, and forgiveness are found. We believe the church can be a people of welcome, grace, love, and forgiveness because God welcomes, loves, and forgives us! We can be confident in this because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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In the large "house" that is Christianity, our church is lives in the "room" that is the Lutheran tradition. Our Christian church follows a distinct theology/teaching within the Protestant church-world. At its core, we believe we are saved by grace through faith alone and that all people are welcome to God's table of grace. For more info check out this article: Lutheranism 101


The Church is an inclusive community of disciples dedicated to following Jesus in His mission for the world - renewing God's creation through the Kingdom (reign) of God. Called by Jesus, the church is invited to be a witness to how God is transforming us and the world in God's image of love and everlasting life.
We do this together knowing we can’t do it alone! Join us in our journey of discipleship, following Jesus. All are welcome!


© 2022 Salem Lutheran Church

Contact Webmaster for further Information

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